32 Google SEO Tips for Higher Rankings in 2022!

32 Google SEO Tips for Higher Rankings in 2022!

So you want to increase your organic traffic and get better search leads but don’t know how? Well, sit back, as we’ve got just the right path for you to follow in order to rank higher in search results. 

First, to better understand SEO, let’s consider the internet as a huge aquarium, and all the data & information are swimming around like fish. The aquarium visitors are the users who search on the internet, and your website is one of the fish they’ll come across. 

Now how will you stand out from the shoal of fishes swimming together?

That’s right! You need to be the biggest fish in the shoal to catch all the attention towards you.

Here are some SEO tips that’ll help you be the bigger fish

#1. Using relevant web pages

It’s necessary that your website contains the relevant information to what the users are searching for. The search engine’s algorithm evaluates whether the content on your webpage matches the user’s search query.

#2. Appropriate keywords

When it comes to SEO, keywords would always be the most basic yet very important aspect. Your webpage needs to contain suitable keywords in order to rank higher.

#3. Not bombarding the page with keywords

If you’ve heard the phrase, “too many cooks spoil the broth” then you’ll know what we’re trying to explain. You need to properly sort out only the most proper words that best suit your content instead of targeting all the ranking keywords.

#4. Keyword placement

You wouldn’t like it if your sofa is placed in the kitchen and your dining table is in your bedroom, would you? The same is the case with keywords! They need to be placed in their designated area where they can be the highlight.

– In the URL

– In the Title

– Between the first 100-200 words of your content.

#5. Using SEO tools

It’s always the best practice to rely on some tools that will help you to upgrade your website. Here’s a list of some SEO tools that will work like magic:

Ahrefs, SEMRush, KWFinder, Google Search Console, Google PageSpeed Insights.

#6. Having a good User Interface

A good User Interface helps users find the information they need on your site quickly, and it also improves the User Experience and elevates the rank of the page.

#7. Visual graphics

Visual graphics

Let’s get real; no one likes to read a 2000 word page without any graphics as it’s simply boring!

But, how do images affect SEO? We’ll explain.

By including a caption and alt text to the images on your webpage, you make it easier for search engines to read and boost the discovery of your page.

#8. Focusing on the page loading time

In this fast-paced world, the users don’t even have a second to spare, let alone waste it while waiting for a website to load. Hence, you should focus on reducing the loading time on your page in order to decrease the bounce rates. 

#9. Constantly update the website

Would you read this blog if it was written in the year 2010? Obviously not! Similarly, your website needs to run with time and be updated regularly.

#10. Analyzing through insights

Analyzing through insights

To know what’s performing and what isn’t, you must analyze the behaviour of your users and create content based on the report.

#11. Revising your old content

Check on the performance of the content you’ve posted a while ago to see if the users are engaging in it or not paying attention to it at all. Examine the problem and edit it accordingly.

#12. Make a bookmarkable webpage

FOMO is real and it’s the perfect tool to use to improve your SEO. Create such content that makes people want to save it by bookmarking your page so that they can read it again.

#13. Words with high CTR (Click Through Rate)

This tip focuses on getting leads. You’ll need to research the words that are in your niche and have a high organic CTR that triggers the viewers to click on the link. 

#14. Using Long-Tail Keywords

No, the keyword isn’t an animal with a long tail. The term simply means using very specific words in your content. Long-tail keywords are the phrases that the users search when they are close to taking an action/purchase. 

Here’s an example of a keyword: Black shirt.

Here’s an example of a long-tail keyword: Mandarin collar long sleeve black shirt.

#15. Getting backlinks

It’s another very crucial step for your website to shine in the search results. Having multiple backlinks makes your content more valuable to the search engine and thus, improves your ranking.

#16. On-page SEO

Focus on improving your website’s on-site SEO by optimizing your URL, internal links, user experience, and headlines.

#17. Off-page SEO

This refers to all the factors and tactics that aren’t published on your website. It includes enhancing your social media, content marketing, link building, guest posting, and many more.

#18. Creating short URLs

The algorithm of the search engines highly focuses on the links which include external links, backlinks, and permalinks. Having a short yet concise link helps to optimize your webpage.

See the example below:



Which one looks simple and attractive? You be the judge.

#19. Analyze the competition

If you want to rank higher, you need to know what your competitors are posting. Once you’ve selected the keywords, search the words to find which websites are in the top game and create content accordingly.

#20. Produce high-quality content

Produce high-quality content

Even after many years, the content will continue to reign as the king. Use relevant pictures, infographics, clip-arts, etc to make the viewers engage and understand the content more clearly.

#21. Your web page must be personified

A user wouldn’t like to engage with something that seems robotic or doesn’t have many emotions. Give your website a human touch to make it seem like the visitor can relate and engage as if interacting with a real human.

#22. Understand user intent

Many websites fail to rank on the first page because they are running a relay race in a cricket match. They fail to understand what is the purpose behind the search. 

To explain it better, here’s an example:

Imagine posting content on “best and tastiest kunafa” yet you aren’t generating any viewers on your post. It might be because your post has been displayed on the page where the websites are selling Kunafa, and your page contains the best recipe for it. 

The users’ intent on that search page is to buy and not gain information.

#23. Structuring your website

Think of your website as a building. It should be constructed to have a proper base, floors, and a terrace. The order cannot be interchanged as it won’t look visually appealing. Just like this, your website must be aligned properly by grouping similar content together, categorizing it, and having proper navigation.

#24. Clear titles on each page

Clear titles on each page

All your web pages must have accurate title tags that convey the context in order to present the information correctly. It’s important for the users because as well as the search engines the contents of our title tag, which appears as the blue link on the search results page, can have a significant impact on whether a searcher decides to click through to our site.

#25. Optimize your permanent pages

What are permanent pages? The About us section, Address, Privacy Policy, Contact Us, etc are all included in the permanent pages. It is essential that users can access your current address and contact information; hence, you must update your website constantly.

#26. Adding your social links

The entire world is being digitized and adding your social media links to the website will help to improve your rankings indirectly. Your content on your social media platforms will make the visitors be in touch with the latest updates and information you share. Furthermore, Google urges the web pages to enter their social links on websites as it provides Google with information about the relevance of the website and thus, improves the ranking.

#27. Mobile optimization

Are you willing to lose almost 60% of your website’s traffic? It’ll be a nightmare if you did! That’s the reason your website must be mobile-friendly, as almost 60% of the traffic is driven by mobile phone users.  

Your site must be easy to navigate and look great on mobiles.

In fact, most of the search engine’s crawlers will crawl through your mobile website first to decide whether it fulfills the checklist for mobile optimization. If not, it’ll hurt your rankings on the page and lead to fewer clicks and conversions.

#28. Have a proper and brief headline

When it comes to headlines, just remember these things:

  • Keep it short
  • Keep it concise
  • Make it click-worthy

It’s the first thing that the readers will notice; hence it has to be attractive enough to capture the reader’s attention. Good headlines always make users curious, which prompts them to click and find out more about the topic.

#29. Writing a neat Meta Description

A Meta Description provides the additional information that’s been stated in the headline. It is displayed in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) below the headline and In this way, the user gains an understanding of the content on the page and how it relates to their search query.

Keep in mind to use the 5Ws and 1H, which are who, what, where, when, why, and how, while preparing your meta description.

#30. Use Internal Links

Use Internal Links

The term internal linking refers to any link on your site that redirects visitors to another page of your site. Search engines use them to understand the structure and hierarchy of your website. 

Using the correct internal linking strategy will allow the search engines to sort through your pages, understand their relevance, value, & relationship, and display the most important pages first.

#31. Have an SEO-friendly domain name

A domain name is your identity on the internet. It’s what the people will know you as, so having a domain name that explains what you offer is highly important. An SEO-friendly domain name is short and self-explanatory.

Some tips to follow while choosing a domain name:

  • Only use the words that define your brand.
  • Make it easy to remember.
  • Choose a top-level domain extension.
  • Create a unique name
  • Avoid symbols and special characters.

#32. Have separate web pages

Your website must be organized separately instead of adding all information on a single page and making a stew. Having a website with individual pages for the content makes it easier for the Googlebot to crawl through your website and gives a higher probability of ranking higher.

To conclude

All the tips listed above are methods that will improve your website and boost your ranking effectively. In addition to using all the tried-and-tested strategies, you will need to create content that meets the needs of your users. 

To generate quality content, you must find an equilibrium between creating unique content and better content.

Is there a difference between these two? 

Sure there is! We’ll explain.

  • Unique content refers to information that isn’t available on the internet. It is different from the other sources as it includes details that aren’t found on any other website. In simple words, you can call Unique content to be authentic, and hence it holds greater value than the others. 
  • Better content is the content that is available on the internet but with an upgrade. It is an advanced version of the content that’s already known to the users. People always want to find something new, and this type of content attracts the interest of the public. 

Your aim must be to produce content that balances both these factors. It is not always certain that users will engage in something new; at the same time, viewers can lose interest in a certain topic that’s already available and may not engage in new variations of it.

Thus, you must find the perfect balance by understanding your audience and producing your content accordingly. And we can help you do just that by implementing our expert SEO practices on your platforms. To know more, get in touch with us! Click here.

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